Thankful on Thanksgiving
“Only in America do we spend one day of the year being grateful for what we have then going out the next day of that same year to buy more stuff.” This is something that I muttered to my son this morning as I was watching the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade on TV this morning. And while that comment made my son laugh, I couldn’t help but wonder at how true it is. Then again, the only shopping I am doing tomorrow is Christmas gifts for my kids. I won’t be buying them everything; just the expensive stuff (and hoping I can score good deals on them!). Then I started thinking about an article I read the other day about how that whole story of the first Thanksgiving being between the Pilgrims and Native Americans was a lie. Then about how there are so many people reminding us about how so many Native Americans were slaughtered and driven from their land after the arrival of the people on the Mayflower. (We get the same kind of lecture every Columbus Day!) Yes, the...