Books Read, and Finished, in February
This month’s list is a little different: I am combining the books I finished reading with the books I have read. The count of books read so far this year is accurate, as the books I finished reading this month are ones I started reading in January.
This month, I finished reading 2 books (11 and 13) and read 6 books.
Some of the books I read this month are ones I started reading last year, but because of things going on, I forgot about those books. So I started over with them this month and finished reading them. Yay!
I once again did not meet my goal to read 10 books in one month, but I will keep trying!
Here are the books:
9. The Wipe Revenge: A Roll to Die For by C.A. Baynam
10. Eaden by Megan Guilliams
11. Friends, Lovers, and the Big Terrible Thing by Matthew Perry
12. Of Teeth and Pine by Desiree Horton
13. The Boneman by Mark James Montgomery
14. Not the Worst Monster in Town by Chisto Healy and C.A. Baynam
15. Trapped Verse by Lindsey Goddard
16. Most Likely to Summon Nyhiloteph by Madison McSweeney
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