The Things That I “didn’t get around to doing” Are the Things I REALLY Need to Get Around To Doing!


Yesterday was my seventh soberversary. Being as excited as I was about it being the seventh year I was sober, I planned to tell everyone and post about it everywhere. I even pictured myself telling the clerk at the store that I was now seven years sober!


But I didn’t go anywhere yesterday, so I didn’t tell anyone who I saw while I was out. I just didn’t get around to going out.


And I didn’t post my picture about it on LinkedIn, because I just didn’t get around to it. (I was also going to write a blog post about it but I didn’t get around to that, either! Eh, I said what I needed to say about it in my Facebook comments.)


I keep thinking about that today. There are lots of things that, lately, I have not gotten around to doing that I REALLY need to do.


Like writing an article for a website that I write articles for. I keep turning this idea over in my head! Even on the day that I was wearing the T-shirt for this website, I was confident that was the day I’d write the article. Nope!


And also how I would plan to go for walks or I would plan to do a workout. But other things would come up and it kept getting pushed back until I no longer had the time for it anymore! (Or even daylight – I won’t go for walks at night. I have bad night vision.)


It's just that this has been happening A LOT, and it’s starting to frustrate me. I need to figure out how to get these things DONE without thinking “I’m not ready yet” or “I need to do this other thing first.” Sometimes, the things I need to get around to doing are much more important than the other things that come up – like exercising!


So I need to start fixing that. The things I want to do and the things that I MUST do are things I need to start prioritizing, as well as getting past all the uncertainty and confusion about it.


One of my writing goals for this year was to learn how to write a script. I want to break into scriptwriting. I have books on scriptwriting and I even found a course to take. Now it’s just a matter of “getting around to it” and starting that up! Especially since there are like 2 ½ months left in the year.


I’m just glad I got around to celebrating my seventh year of being sober. I’m glad I got around to ensuring that I stayed sober so that I could celebrate that seventh year. And that I made time to post about it online.


I make my sobriety a priority in my life. I just need to remember to make some of the daily things I need to do which I’m falling behind on a priority too.


