The Paths in Life We Choose to Take
While out on an errand recently, a thought struck: My life is the way it is now because of certain choices that I made in life. Certain paths which I chose to take. And if I had chosen a different path, I would be a completely different person. My life would be different. There are many times when we are at a crossroads in life. We are faced with a moment where we must choose whether to follow this path or that path. The path that we choose will lead us in a completely different direction and changes for our lives. Once on that path, and staying on it, our lives will shift and evolve according to the circumstances surrounding that path. And sometimes it’s not so much about making a decision to start living a certain way or pursuing a new goal in life (a new path), but also about whether we say “yes” or “no” to a new thing or a new opportunity. If we say yes, then certain changes will take place. If we say no, then we stay in our comfort zone and life stays the same...