Things to Keep in 2023

While I have been busy reviewing the year to see what goals I accomplished both as a writer and an author, I have also been reviewing personal goals from this year.

This year, I wanted to try something new every month for this year. Sadly, I was not able to do all of the things on my list, but I did do some things. Some of them have worked out well but others did not.

Meanwhile, I have also been thinking about other new things from this year.

Here is a list of the new things from this year which I will keep in 2023 and beyond:

1. Tracking the books I am reading this year. I have done this on my blog this year, but starting in 2023, I will keep track of books I read in a year in a reading journal.
2. Posting at least one book review on my personal book review blog.
3. Working out at the local Y. I have interacted with some amazing people there and the staff are great!
4. My monthly newsletter. Many thanks to my publisher at Filbert Publishing for suggesting it! I work on putting it together all month long and publication on my website is time-consuming, but I enjoy doing it and it has meant new connections with other writers, authors, editors and self-publishers!
5. Writing an ebook every month. Fun!
6. Writing for a content creation agency. Ditto!
7. FREELANCE WRITING! I brought it back this year. I have forgotten how much I love the work.
8. Exploring new places.
9. Using my author Twitter account more often.
10. Creating and maintaining PROFESSIONAL author and writer websites
11. Meditating in the mornings
12. Taking online courses. I always dreaded this because I thought they weren’t closed-captioned. But I have found many that have transcripts. Yay!
13. My new friendships.
15. Reading ebooks on my phone apps as well as the PC. So. Much. Yes.
16. Daily reading.
17. Daily writing.
18. Writing on my laptop and...
19. Writing in the car!
20. Staying focused on self-improvement, moving forward in life, letting go of past hurts, forgiving others, and continuously trying to be a better person today than the person I was yesterday.

Of course, there are still many more things I want to learn and try out. I hope I will be able to make that happen for at least a few of those things in the new year!
