Reading Progress for May 2022


May has been an interesting month for me. I turned 48, landed two writing assignments with the same client (up until now, it had been one assignment per month), I discovered a new route when I went on my birthday walk with my kids (and two of our animals!) and I got to attend my youngest's track meet. It was pretty awesome! I have also written another ebook (the May KU book), submitted some writings to other markets and entered a poetry book contest.

Along the way, I also stuck to the reading, though not as often as usual. Some days I got so busy, I only had time to read ebooks or just a couple of the 6 print books I am currently reading.

Even so, I did manage to finish reading some books this month. Not as many as previous months, but I'm still happy with this. It's five books for the fifth month.

Here are books I either read or finished reading in May:

36. 2k to 10k: Writing Faster, Writing Better, and Writing More of What You Love by Rachel Aaron

37. Area 51: An Uncensored History of America’s Top Secret Military Base by Annie Jacobsen

38. 10x Marketing Formula: Your Blueprint for Creating 'Competition-Free Content' That Stands Out and Gets Results by Garrett Moon

39. The Guardians of Ga’Hoole: The Shattering (Book Five) by Kathryn Lasky

40. Benjamin Franklin: An American Life by Walter Isaacson
