A Day for Love and Chocolate!


Today is Valentine’s Day but, for me, it’s Love Day. It’s all about sharing love with everyone! The world definitely needs more love, and I feel that it is better to choose love over hate. I made the choice to love everyone no matter what and no matter who they are.


So, today was about the love!


It was also about chocolate and writing. Ha.


But because I view today as “a day for love,” when I needed to get a new kitchen towel out of the drawer this morning (I always get a new towel for the kitchen and bathroom in the mornings), I selected the one that has “love” fingerspelled on it. My sister got me that towel and I LOVE it!


There were some bad things that happened today – I overslept, a neighbor brought up his concerns over people possibly camping in their cars on our street and that got me worried, I was embarrassed after getting stares and strange looks from people in the university over how I had to take one of the twenty steps I was descending one at a time because of my poor balance and bad foot, I didn’t get a note from my oldest when he wrote a note for my husband and his sibling, and I ate Valentine’s Day dinner alone – but there were a lot of good things that happened today. And they are better than the bad things!


That is my takeaway from today: The good things. Things that I love and make me happy!


Here are those good things:


I got CHOCOLATES today! Yay! Both my oldest and my husband gave me candy for Valentine’s Day.



I told everybody on Twitter and Facebook that I love them – and I really do!


I got an idea for an article this morning while I was driving, and I figured I would remember it later. Nope! I forgot it! By the time I finally sat down to write, I couldn’t remember the article idea. It was several hours later, when I was parked at a building at the university this evening, that I remembered it! This time, I wrote my idea down. I’m so glad I remembered it later!


I got to help my oldest at an event at the university and, in the process, met two awesome people.


I got an idea for a short story (horror Valentine’s Day story) and wrote the story. I laughed because, when the first draft was done, it was 1,666 words. For a HORROR story!


Despite today being so crazy-busy, with a lot of driving around, I STILL made time to write that story, work on freelance writing AND get some work done on a book.


I went to the pharmacy to get a refill on my heart med and there were only THREE people in line! YAY!! I was not there for very long, thankfully. (I was prepared to whip out my phone to read an ebook and everything!)


I found NINE free ebooks to download and read – and they are GOOD books, too! (For someone who is broke on Valentine’s Day, finding free ebooks to download to read is a great gift for this booklover! Besides, I needed new ebooks to read on THAT particular ebook app. My Kindle is already full!)


While I was out and about this evening, I looked up at the moon many times, and for two of those times, there was a rainbow around the moon! It was pretty! I tried to capture it with my phone cam but couldn’t really get the rainbow part very well. The picture here is the best one I got.

I had time to read today. Woo-hoo!


I shared Valentine’s Day love with the people we took Valentine’s Day goodies to.


Today was really busy and I didn’t have time to make myself lunch. Fortunately, my husband grabbed my favorite salad – apple and walnut – while he was at the store and I enjoyed eating it for lunch when I got home from one errand at around 3:30.


I started reading another new book today – this one, a print book. It is by Stephen Hawking and I am reading it for research.


After texting back and forth with my oldest this evening, a new poetry book is now on the horizon. (No, the poems are not our texts. LOL) I am excited to start working on it!
