Trying to Learn How to Tie Knots Left My Brain in Knots!


This month, I wanted to learn how to tie knots. After a while, I decided that “tie knots” was just too vague of a goal, just like “learn how to sew clothes” for next month is too vague. I had to narrow it down to a type of knot to learn how to tie!


As I discovered as I read this book, there are A LOT of different knots to tie!


I became interested in tying knots while reading about mountaineering. And then my kids were both in a rock-climbing club at school and they also had to learn how to tie different kinds of knots! They often practiced at home, with my curious stare not far away.


So I tackled it this month. Once again, I tried using a book to learn how to do it. The book I chose was called The Ultimate Encyclopedia of Knots & Ropework by Geoffrey Budworth and it belonged to my husband.


Unfortunately, the book only got me confused! Yes, it had pictures and step-by-step instructions, but it was still hard to understand.


In the end, I only succeeded in being able to tie one knot, the one pictured above. It’s called a Overhand Knot with Drawloop.


I think I would have better luck learning this skill from a person. Or maybe a YouTube video. But, from a book? Not so much.


At least I got to tie one knot in my attempts to learn how to tie several!


Also, while I was working with the rope, our cat got up on the table and became curious about it.


