Writing and reading despite dizziness and headaches!

Today was a challenge because I had bad dizziness and headaches this morning. But it would seem that my muse just didn't care! There were poems to write! I was trying to finish my poetry book earlier than the Halloween deadline and especially before Monday since my youngest has a birthday on Monday and, well, all the birthday prep is gonna keep me busy! Time to work on this book during that time? The chances are very slim. So I wanted to finish it EARLY!


Specifically, before the weekend.


But it seems like my brain was at war with itself. I had the dizziness going on, the headaches going on (they happened on and off all day) and my muse struggling to get me to write despite all of that!


Even so, I did manage to write today. And I managed to get some reading done, too! Yay!


Yes, I try to do things when I have headaches, chest pain, back pain and even the dizziness (as long as the dizziness is mild!). But sometimes, I understand these things mean I have to rest or stop what I am doing. Still, I TRY to push myself to do things. And I guess my muse wanted to push me too.


I did write the poems for my poetry book this morning. Yes, I wrote them even though I had a headache and dizziness going on. Ugh. I didn't like that! But I am glad I got it done. Pretty cool that I still managed to write despite that setback!


My determination to write those poems was rewarded, too, because I HAVE FINISHED WRITING THE POETRY BOOK! YAY!!! Yes, I wrote all 31 poems for this book this month. Before the 31st! Woo-hoo!! When I started working on this book, I planned to just write one poem a day. But on some days, I wrote two or three. And now it is complete. Yay!


Now I will be working on ANOTHER poetry book. A different kind of poetry book was created while I was writing this one. So now I will be writing these poems for this book. Of course, I may end up writing all kinds of other poems – and that's fine too – but  this other poetry book will be my next poetry book. After the one I just wrote, which I hope to see published by October of next year.


I also finished writing a chapter I have been working on all week. I am glad it's now finally done! Yay!


As for the reading, I finished reading THREE ebooks today.


This morning, I finished reading two of them:


Dark Psychology and Manipulation by Zac Adams. It was a good book! It had very interesting information. I will be reading his other book, Master Your Mind, next. 


The Complete Being: Finding and Loving the Real You by Tami Brady. Another good book! I am going to include it as Recommended Reading in the book I am writing about alcoholism recovery.


And this afternoon, I finished reading a third ebook:


Reclaimed Haven: Murder on First by B.A. Erickson


I liked Reclaimed Haven! It was one of those stories that kept me guessing. I also posted a review of it.


So, I was able to get some things done today despite those roadblocks I ran into. Since my headaches were so bad today, I am thinking of limiting my screen time this weekend. Hopefully they won't be a problem when Monday rolls around again, because I plan to get back to work on all the other books I am working on right now.


Happy Friday!
