7 Things to Celebrate from Today

My friend and fellow writer, Nita Beshear, has been posting things to celebrate from today an awful lot lately. And now it has rubbed off on me! My first post was on my Facebook page.

I am never lucky when it comes to doing a daily habit, although I have managed to write in my journal every day. But I'm still gonna try this. So, here it is, something from my day to celebrate. I have decided to put it on my blog since it is public. Yes, everybody is welcome to read it! And I hope you, too, will also take time to find some reasons to celebrate from your day.

1. Slept in this morning.

2. Had an hour to myself to read this morning. It was nice!

3. Saw a friend's post on Facebook of her son with a Big Mac from McDonald's and I suddenly wanted a Big Mac from McDonald's! And, later, I was craving a chocolate shake. Got to have both of those things for dinner tonight.

4. Saw the sunset.

5. Watched a movie this evening.

6. Got to enjoy the scent of a candle that I bought recently; my youngest decided that it was time to light it.

7. Came across an old post I made on Facebook that i thought would help someone I have been communicating with lately and I shared the post, tagging her in a comment. Don't know yet if she saw it or if the words in the post helped her but, hey, at least I gave that a try.
