The 30 Days of Giving Challenge
Before 2021 started, I was ready for another blog project. I ended up with two blog projects, with this one, The 30 Days of Giving Challenge, scheduled to end anytime in November, up until Thanksgiving. Every Thanksgiving, I either focus on the “thanks” part of the word, in which I take time to be thankful for things in life (including my life!), or the “giving” part, where I do some giving to others. This year, I wanted to focus on “giving” so this challenge was the perfect way to do just that. I turned it into a blog project because my blog is the best way to document things I’m doing or going through. All the same, I am thinking of turning this into a book, because I have learned that giving is not so much a seasonal thing for us to do, but more of a habit to develop. It’s a good idea to give to others and to help others whenever and wherever we can. We all need to help each other out! For this particular challenge, I decided that I would give either my time, mone...