When the universe taps me on the shoulder
A lot of people have often told me that I shouldn’t take my nocturnal dreams so seriously. “They’re just dreams,” they say. Or there’s the scientific explanation about why we have dreams or some other out-there theory. But I do pay attention to the dreams that I have. My dreams have inspired my writing for years. I have often gotten ideas for stories because of my dreams, or I’ll have a “dream story” and write the story exactly as I dreamed it. (Though there are times I’ll need to add details or something else to make the story work.) My dreams have also included lost loved ones, and often, when I have shared such dreams, sometimes someone says that maybe it was really a visitation by this person. Shortly after her death, my mom was in my dreams a lot. There was even one dream I had where she had a dog with her – a dog I never knew but who my cousin told me had belonged to both of my parents. My dad, grandmother, grandfather and another cousin have also been in my drea...