Knowing Where to Draw the Line
When it comes to politics, I try to avoid discussing it with other people. I respect other people’s decisions and choices and I won’t cut ties with them based on who they vote for. But it’s when they start to act on the negative and hateful ideas pushed forward by certain politicians where I draw the line. Until now, I have not had to do this. I know other Trump-supporters online who have posted things, but they never actively started being racist, homophobic, misogynistic liars towards others in real life. However, with the spate of so much hateful and racist content being posted on social media, it can be a sign that this is someone to avoid. This is especially true if we work in the same field. I have zero interest in working with two-faced people. An example is someone who is being hateful, homophobic, transphobic, racist, sexist and ableist to others both on and offline, but sweet and kind to me. Would I want anything to do with such a person? Hell, no!