You Don't Mess with Mama Bear

Image credit: Sibling_Yonten via Pixabay I have an Instagram account , and while I was on there recently, I saw a post that read, “I will not be quiet just so you can be comfortable.” This inspired me to write a poem with that very same title for a collection of anti-Trump poems I am writing, because lately, I have been posting things online that speaks out against things that have happened because of our current president. And lately, I have amped up this activity, only because one thing about that president is that he is at war with the LGBTQA+ community. One of the things he said during his campaign for the second term? “No transgender.” And, ya know, one of my kids is transgender. The other one is gay. So he essentially decided to pick a fight with a community that my kids and I belong to. I am also disabled, and since he has eliminated DEI, this affects the disabled community, as well. This means war! Anyone who has taken it upon the...